Alliance Enterprises, Inc. (Alliance) announced today that Susan Foard, retired assistant administrator of Hawaii’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, will chair getAwareLive! 2019 this summer. The conference, to be held at the Seattle Airport Hilton and Convention Center, July 24 and 25, brings together Vocational Rehabilitation professionals from state agencies across the country to focus on improvements in assisting Americans with disabilities to prepare for, secure, retain, or regain meaningful employment.
Ms. Foard will add her lifetime of energy and passion to the conference, now in its third year.
Said Ms. Foard: “The conference will have over 20 presentations from Aware practitioners and industry thought-leaders. I’m especially excited about the keynote speakers already lined up to participate at the conference. Also, Alliance is securing vendor sponsorships to help make the conference experience inspirational and memorable.”
The two days prior to the conference are filled with training opportunities for the 39 state agencies using the Aware platform, currently in its twenty-fifth year of continuous development by Alliance.
Ms. Foard adds, “The value of networking at a conference like this is incalculable. There will literally be thousands of years of experience gathered in the same place with the sole purpose of sharing their best practices and helping the Aware community to better serve people with disabilities.”
For further information go to the conference website at