The Aware Community of individuals, agencies, and providers.
By sharing best practices, we can unleash the power of the workforce. Together we can better serve individuals with disabilities, break down barriers to employment, and create more meaningful opportunities.
Alliance Enterprises Announces Plan to Launch a WIOA Edit Checker for RSA-911 Reports
Responding to industry demand, the no-fee open-source software will be available for vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies nationwide to test their […]
RSA’s David Steele to Issue New Financial Reporting Recommendations at Alliance Enterprises’ Conference
The fiscal chief from the Rehabilitation Services Administration will provide federal guidance to state agencies on financial reporting related to […]
Joseph Jones, Executive Director of The Harkin Institute, to Keynote getAwareLive! 2017 Workforce Conference
Drake University alum and former legislative assistant to retired U.S. Senator Tom Harkin will deliver the conference speech on the […]
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Disability Awareness and Inclusive Management: Considerations for National Disability Awareness Employment Month
Disability Awareness and Inclusive Management October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. As we consider the importance of people with […]
Customized Employment is a Game Changer!
Customized Employment is a Real Game Changer! With about one quarter of America’s workforce having a disability, employment of people […]
Unlocking the Power of Analytics for Vocational Rehabilitation and Community Rehabilitation Programs
Analytics Make a Difference The essence of analytics in vocational rehabilitation (VR) revolves around two main components: the data itself […]
Celebrating 34 Years of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Celebrating the 34th Anniversary of the ADA We are celebrating the 34th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) […]